
12 October, 2011

The sweetness of Mae

We've had Mae home with us for 6 months now... We can hardly believe it. On one hand we feel like we've always had her and at others we stop and say "we have a daughter! That's our DAUGHTER". It's so natural being her parents, each day we are with her is such a gift.

She is talking more and putting words together. Most of the time she is talking her own little language but she shocks me when she proclaims something clear as a bell in English. She told Griffin, "that's mine" at breakfast when he got a little too close to her waffle. She says "amen" after we pray and it completely melts us. She says "bye" in such a cute southern way and waves and says bye every time I put her down for a nap. She just said "I love you" today!! I said I love you to her when I put her in bed for nap and she said it back. And then I asked her to say it 2 more times just so I could hear it again. She was very pleased with herself and happy to say it more times (;

Her favorite thing is to be outside and we are loving the cooler fall weather, so we enjoy our afternoon walks up and down, up and down the street.

She loves playing with her friend Luke down the street. They hug and kiss and hold hands. There's nothing cuter than seeing them share a seat together or when Luke pretends falling on the floor just to get Mae to say "ut oh" again. They are precious!

She loves to eat and I really can't think of anything that she doesn't like... We hear "more, more" all through the meal just because she likes it. It's very gratifying to cook for her (: if you ask her if she is all done, she almost never is. She sweetly says, "no" and will keep on eating. It takes her up to an hour to finish a meal.

We stopped giving her a bottle at night back in September and we really thought it was going to be hard for her to give up but she was totally fine. She enjoys reading books together instead and we say our prayers and then she asks us to sing the itsy-bitsy spider... After that she holds her little finger in the air to ask for one more (: I never thought Cody and I would sing duets together; funny how different we are now.

She is an excellent sleeper. Our girl goes to bed at 8 and doesn't wake up now until 9:30!! She loves her bed and sometimes she wants to stay in bed longer... she is happy to sit and quietly play.

She is so loving and easy, we are truly spoiled. Mae Juan Lekberg has brought us more happiness than we could have imagined. I can hardly picture our lives before her.