
30 June, 2012

You are my sunshine...

 Here's just a beautiful snapshot of a little girl filled with so much joy.  Mae is almost always smiling,  or making some kind of joke to make us all laugh.
her beauty takes my breath away...

I had to share these pictures... I think they show her sweet spirit and radiance.  

18 June, 2012

Washing Cars

 Mae saw her daddy outside washing his truck... so she pulled her little car up too.  

 She and her daddy washed their cars together, which completely melted her daddy's heart.  She loves to help,
And she loves her daddy.

16 June, 2012

Hilton Head Vacation

I am very behind on the blog... again.  I wanted to past-post our summer fun and share some of the pictures of our sweet girl.

In June, our little family packed up and headed for the beach.  My mom and dad came too (Mae's Nonna and Boppy).  Last year we came here in November, so this was Mae's first "real" beach experience.  She LOVED every little thing about our time in Hilton Head.  It is definitely a family vacation spot and Cody and I enjoyed it in a whole new way; seeing it through her eyes.

Sand castles and the ocean... 
bike rides every day...
 and a boat ride on Boppy's boat. 
 Mae was the happiest she could be.

 We just soaked in this awesome family time... that came and went so quickly.  That's why I love these pictures.

15 June, 2012

Isn't Summer Great?

Picnics in the park...

We love picnics in the park... It's a great (free) outing and our girl loves to run barefoot in the grass. I love, love, love watching Mae with her daddy.
Playgrounds, friends and sweetness...
Mae has a sweet Chinese friend named Heming. Heming speaks mandarin chinese and I don't think Mae understands anything that he tells her, but they play so well together! He will say in Chinese, " mei mei wait, let me hold your hand" (mei mei is little sister, or he will call her by the name she went by in China, "Juan Juan".) As you can see, they are quite adorable together.

And Mae's very favorite place to be is the swimming pool.

Mae is definetly our little water baby. She giggles and chatters the whole time she's kicking and swimming around. She immediately loved the water and wants to swim by herself beside us. It's precious to watch her. I LOVE her joy in everything... She is such a tough girl with spunk.