
20 October, 2010

A Scare

I got a call last night from Carol (a wonderful carrier in Washington DC that helps adoptive families) that all of our paper work that we've sent to Washington DC was on a FedEx truck that wrecked and rolled over in Memphis, TN. She was even told it would be another 2-3 days before the packages would be sorted and sent. I was sick, sick to hear this and we didn't sleep last night... I worried that maybe all of our hard work over the past few months could be gone. BUT this morning we did find out that everything got there in one piece, somehow. We are reminded again, that we have no control in this world. Just another praise to God that our papers made it there. So crazy, huh?


  1. Now that is a story to remember!!! It all happens in God's timing! I guess the Fed Ex truck was going alittle fast. :)

  2. That is crazy! I'm so glad that your papers made it there and with no big delay.
