
18 January, 2011


For one who waits,
A moment seems like an eternity.
—fortune cookie message

Just one more step closer to getting our darling... today our provisional approval for our i800 came. Now there are only a few small steps and we will be holding our baby in our arms! It definitely looks like early March is when we will be traveling. In the mean time, Cody and I have been hard at work on Mae's little nursery. It's just about perfect (: Here's a peak.

Also, I am very much looking forward to a couple of baby showers for Mae! (one this weekend & one next weekend) It will be so fun and exciting to celebrate all together... this beautiful and amazing blessing thats about to change our lives completely!


  1. Yeah!! One more step closer. We were cabled in about a week and a half so hopefully it will come before CNY. If it wasn't for Chinese New Year we would both be there sooner ;) lol
    Mae's room looks beautiful!

  2. Love Mae's room! It is so beautiful.

  3. so happy and excited for you! Her room looks lovely. Hoping to send Mae's care package out tomorrow (it's from Lily!)

    enjoy those baby showers, mama!

    :) Ashley

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous room for your sweet baby Mae! I hope that the baby shower today was an encouragement to you. I saw your neighbor Laura at Brookwood last night and could tell how excited she was to welcome Mae home soon. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love, Lora Young (Grayson, Ella Clare and Addie)

  5. love baby maes room! so beautiful!!
    I'm so happy for you! a baby changes everything and melts your hearts completly!
