
27 March, 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

Our group is now three families that are adopting. The family of 6 is adopting a little 18 month boy, Ania and George are adopting a darling 2 1/2 girl and us! It will be so great to be with these families and their new little ones through the whole trip!

We flew to Mae's hometown today! We are so close to her now... breathing her same air. The city is so big but different in a great way; we absolutely love Zhengzhou.

There was a crib already in our room when we walked in... you can imagine the emotion we felt when we saw this. It is overwhelming to find the words.
We walked to Walmart to buy her formula and took in the sights along the way. Walmart is a 3 story building a few blocks away from our hotel. (Our hotel is one of the nicest places we have ever been in and our room is beautiful with big windows - a happy place to bring our girl back to.)

We are talking to our guide Yisha above. She is so nurturing and kind. She has worked with our agency since 1995 and is very experienced. Cody did notice she is like our personal body guard too, as we maneuvered walking the streets, there were several times Yisha would pull us back or step between us and the on coming cars.
So tomorrow is the day that we have dreamed about for so long, and I want to write a long meaningful post about how we feel but to be honest we are so emotionally drained it is very difficult. We did get an update when we arrived, so I would like to share with you what we found out today about our daughter.

They told us her all about her schedule and naptime, what she eats and drinks... "She likes to take a bath, she likes banana, She sleeps in the crib by herself. She sleeps on her back without any lights on. She does not need to be held to fall asleep. She gets along well with others. She is an active and lively girl. She seldom cries or gets fussy. You can hold her and give her toys and snacks when she is crying. She can walk by herself now. She loves busy places and wants to play where there are more people. She likes animals, especially dogs. She often plays with little dogs."

Tomorrow, we will leave our hotel at 9:30am and drive 15 minutes to the registration office where we will get our daughter. The orphanage director is asked to bring the children at 10:00 but sometimes traffics makes them late... she will be coming from an hour away and the other two children will be coming from 2 hours away, but we will definitely have her in our arms by 11:00! (that is 11 Sunday night back home.)

I am going to get some rest. BIG emotional day ahead for us all.


  1. Praying for this day with you. It will be a day like no other. Can't wait o see Mae with her forever family.
    Love you guys,

  2. Blessings,I have tears reading this, IT is like you 'labor'.. YOU WILL BE IN LOVE WITH HER THE MOMENT YOU SEE HER..sleep tight and pleasant dreams.

  3. Graham and Erica MatherMarch 27, 2011 at 9:43 AM

    Kristen and Cody.
    I am tearing up as I read this. All of us have been thinking about you both and are praying for you all along the way. I am so joyous and happy that you are finally getting to hold Mae, look her her eyes, play with her, hear her voice. You both will be wonderful parents. All of us here are thinking of you, eagerly reading your blog and are so excited to read as the journey continues. I can tell by the pictures how excited you both are. I can imagine that there are no words to describe how you feel right now- no worries, The great pictures say it for you!! We love you and cant wait to have you home with little Mae!!!!

    Big Big Hugs and Safe Travels,

    Erica and Graham

  4. Hannah, Michael, and Big TyMarch 27, 2011 at 9:57 AM

    Yea!!!! We love you all and are praying BIG prayers for an instant bond between the 3 of you! God has been preparing all of your hearts to receive each other through this whole process. Just as you feel inside, Mae is too even though at this point she may be too young to realize the blessing that has come into her life. We are so excited and Ty can't wait for his new buddy to get here to the States to play! :) I feel like we have been aboard this journey with you guys the whole way and am blessed to be able to witness God's mighty hand in such a powerful way! Your adoption story is truly a testament to Gods great works and timing. You and Cody are amazing and will be great parents to Mae. Wow in less than 12 hours, YOU will have your baby girl!!!

    Love you guys!!!

  5. This is my favorite verse in all the Bible and I can't stop praying it over Mae...

    "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take GREAT delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will REJOICE over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

    So thankful that our God will be Mae's God. What a beautiful story she will live. Counting down the hours with you :).


  6. I have been so excited for your family today. Praying and talking with your mom about it for the last several weeks, it is finally here!! We are praying for a good transition for Mae, as she starts a new life with your family.

    The pictures are awesome! Thanks for posting! Can't wait to see your "first" family picture posted tomorrow!


    P.S. Please tell your mom hi from me :)

  7. We are so happy for you guys!!!! I'm tearing up just thinking of you guys hold your sweet baby Mae for the first time!! ;o) Also Landon and Trey said to tell you guys to hurry up..they would like to play with sweet baby Mae..Please;o)LOL!!

  8. Chris, Katie and RosemaryMarch 27, 2011 at 12:18 PM

    I'm in disbelief that Mae's day is finally here. I'm so thrilled for you and overjoyed to know this journey to your daughter is over. Now we can be on the journey of parenthood together. We love you guys and will be covering you and Mae in prayer.

  9. I cried as I read this to Jason as I shared all of the things that make your Mae special. I am so excited and a bit emotional for you as you are only a few hours from holding you daughter.

  10. I am breathless awaiting your next post....
    prayers and hugs....

  11. Ahhh!!! ONE hour from right now. I can hardly stand it. Love the updates you got about her too. She sounds like such a sweet little angel! I am so, so thrilled for you guys - the time has finally come!! Praying right now!!

  12. Just re-read the last part and realized that you may even already have her in your arms right now. Wow!!! And what a blessing that you already know she liked dogs!! :) Can't wait to see pics!

  13. so excited. i think you have her right now! it is so wonderful she likes dogs!!!! :D what a relief for you :)

    so exciting that she sounds like such a happy and lively girl. i am praying for you right now. please post pics as soon as you possibly can!


  14. I am on pins and needles awaiting an update and picture! I can only imagine the feelings and emotions that are flooding every fiber of your being! I have been thinking about you guys constantly and can't wait to meet Mae. So amazed at how big our God is!

    Payne Family

  15. As I am reading your updates & typing this you are just meeting your precious baby girl!!! I am so very excited for yall! I can't wait to meet her! I love yall!
