
13 March, 2011

We leave in 10 days!!!

Oh wow! Yes it's true... 10 days from now we will be boarding a plane for China and in just 15 days we will meet our daughter!!! We have made our to-do lists to get last details complete before we welcome Mae to her new home. I must admit I've already pulled out all Mae's clothes to pack! IT'S CRAZY!!! My mind is J-E-L-L-O and I haven't been able to really sleep for too much excitement. We have never experienced this much emotion and elation - and we still have a little further to go... Whew!

Cody and I booked a night at Old Edwards Inn in Highlands, NC for just the night tonight. It's going to be our last trip before we are with our beloved girl! We had the blessing of perfect timing... God's timing, because the day we requested to have Mae's profile sent to us we were driving to spend the weekend in a cabin my sister and her hubby got for us. We had the weekend away and started praying for our journey here! That was the last time Cody and I got to have an overnight (: seems fitting today to bookend this journey with a sweet little evening in the mountains with my love. I'm so excited to have this time, just the two of us to soak it all in.


  1. Kristen and Cody, I'm so happy that your little girl will soon be in your arms and in her new home!

    Love you all,

  2. So excited for you! The time will be here before you know it and you'll be on the plane. Enjoy your time together!
