
03 April, 2011

Pagodas and Artistry

We visited a local temple today and they had this pagoda there. There is a holiday that everyone in China is celebrating today through Tuesday... "Tomb Sweeping Holiday". The people all go pay their respects to their ancestors and literally clean the burial site up. Everyone is cremated in China and a lot of people choose to keep their loved ones ashes at the temple - so today was very, very crowded with everyone paying their respect.
These coolers are filled with fish, eel and turtles. On this holiday the people will release them back into the river as a "good deed".
Maebelle missed most of the tour but rest is good for our little sick baby.
We also went to the House of Chen... Chen is just the largest family name in this province and this house was originally built as a place for the families to all get together and for their children to have school here. It was lavishly ornate everywhere you looked. It is no longer used for the family so it has been turned into an art museum. We very much enjoyed seeing all the artistry here.
Look at the detail on the roof!
This is the cutting of the tissue paper!! I have always loved this art - here it was in person. (:
This gentleman is painting using only his fingers. He was very good and we bought a piece of his work to take home.
When we got back from the morning tour, our guide made an appointment for us to see the doctor in the local clinic. Maebelle needed an antibiotic and so did Cody, so it is so great that we could go get those here. We were so worried that Mae would hate the medicine that she needed and she has to take it is 3 times a day... well that little girl LOVES it! She begs for more (:
Eating at Lucy's - this is as American as you can get on the island and we are loving it! I got fish and chips today and Cody had a burger! YAY! and Mae had mashed potatoes again.

All done, now she's ready to get down and walk around!
Update: She went to bed much, much better last night... she must be feeling better too. We rented a stroller this evening and she loved going around in it, the darling likes to be on the move and it doesn't matter if you are holding her while she is asleep - you better keep moving!

We also found out that Delta changed our flight ): So our original flight had a layover in Japan and had us landing in Atlanta at 7:10pm Friday night... now Delta won't fly us to Japan and switched us to a flight going into LAX and landing in Atlanta Saturday morning at 6:15am. I know some of you were planning on being at the airport to welcome us and this is a hard time to come. We were disappointed it changed, but it may be a better flight for Mae - who knows, we just want to get home safe and sound.

Love to you all - we are missing home!!


  1. LUCY'S!!!! They have the best fries! I hope you guys feel better.

  2. Precious, precious angel! Hope everyone feels better soon! Love her sweet mouth in the picture of her sleeping!
    Love, Sheila

  3. sweet pictures, love her sleeping picture~
    love her outfits did you get alot of those there? or did you bring some from home?

    I hope everyone gets better soon!
    Love ya'll
