
05 May, 2011

Nanny's house

Last night we went to visit my Nanny and had our very first overnight stay with Mae! There was so much comfort in bringing Mae there, and seeing her loved on the same way I was as a child. Those are special arms that picked me up... I've been too big for quite some time now but somehow I relived it today through my daughter. It was a beautiful thing.
And oh how my Nanny loves her great-granddaughter too. I am so thrilled Mae has this family.
This rocking chair has been around for her children, grandchildren and now great-grandchild. Mae loved finding a chair just her size.
Laci (my cousin) has loved Mae since we got her first picture from our agency. She and Mae had a grand time playing today.
Mae has discovered a picture of herself that Nanny keeps on her desk. She was proud, can't you tell.
She is such a doll baby.
My Aunt Carol came right over as soon as she could get there, so she could spend time with Mae. She is so excited for this baby to be home.
And I know Mae loved every minute of love and attention today.
I think she was so happy everyone was there to watch her, she had to make it interesting... She has never fed herself before this. (:
Mae is taking the doggie for a little walk and waving goodbye to all of us.

My grandfather lives across town from my Nanny, so Cody and I got to take Mae to go see him during this trip too! He was completely taken with her and kept repeating "she sure is pretty".
Today was a beautiful and memorable day, but I couldn't help but feel the painful sorrow of the people that meant so much to me that have passed on... I wish so much that they could know our girl. I know they would have loved her greatly and Mae will grow up hearing of their legacy they left here with me. The same way I relived a lot of my childhood joys today, I also am mourning their loss all over again. Having a child makes you see everything so differently. I know they will meet in heaven but today they were greatly missed.


  1. Great to see her with her great grandparents, I took madison to see her great grandmother in tenessee this past monday for a night. I take her up there once a year , sometimes more...
    I love her picture with her shirt and bow, very cute...

  2. What a fun trip! Can't wait to hopefully see you guys soon. She is such a doll for sure!!
