
20 April, 2012

March 28th

I've let too much slip here on the ol' blog—Got some catching up to do!  This blog is more for our girl than anything (although it's been tremendous to have had the encouragement and following of our friends and family). This momma is terrible at keeping journals and so the blog has given us a place to record our journey with a little needed accountability.   We can now print a book for Mae of this past year's posts... yay!!

So here's our day, celebrating March 28th...

Our first stop was to go to the CCAI office (our adoption agency) and give the women there a hug!

next  stop aquarium! 


Mae never asks for anything, but today she grew very fond of this Beluga Whale.  It has become "baby" and she asks to have him with her all throughout the day, and sleeps with baby every night (almost a month later and this is still the case!)

The second part of the celebrating was with our family.  And it was so wonderful...

 I made the little panda purse for Mae.  Cody and I were really excited to give it to her... anything girly is a big hit with our girl.
 We filled it with sunglasses, mirror and brush, and other odds and ends that every purse should have (:
 We didn't get any good pictures of all the decorations that we hung... but there were Chinese lanterns and streamers and of course BALLOONS! Our kitchen was very colorful and it made Mae so happy.  She pointed at everything and yelled "SEEEEE"  when anyone new came through the door.
Mae and her Nonna

Momma, Mae and proud Boppy

 Hugs for Aunt Mer

 We got a special cake from the Asian market and it was DE-licious!

Fun Uncle Jon

I love this picture (:

 As a family, we watched the video of the day Mae was placed in our arms.  None of us had seen this video and it was so special to share with Mae.  She sat in her daddy's lap and loved seeing herself on the TV.

 This was a fun day but also very emotional for Cody and me.  We realize all that had to happen to have Mae be our daughter.  Here's a crazy thought... Mae has spent 365 days with us now, but she had 595 days in China before we knew her.  Her little life as a baby is unusual and filled with mystery.  All I know is that God has written her story and knows her every breath on this earth.  What a mighty God we serve!!

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