
30 July, 2012

When I saw your face...

It was two years ago now that we first saw our daughter's picture and got her profile... the first glimpse of our daughter.  She was a million miles away and we knew so little about her.  We knew that she had an amazing smile and prayed and prayed for her little heart.  Today I am amazed at how much I know about this child, every little detail... I can read her mind and study her every toe and freckle.  I know without any question that she is made to be ours.  I can't even begin to tell you how perfect she is for us... there are no words.

Sometimes when we are with friends and their children, I find myself immediately thinking to myself how much they look like their mom and dad, or have characteristics like them.  Sometimes it saddens me to not know who my daughter looks like, what is just her, what is us or what could be her birth parents...  but you know what I realized a few days ago?  What I knew but hadn't let fully sink in... She is created in the image of our Father.  Mae has the individual imprint of our Creator's hand.  God made our precious one and knows all that we don't.  I just relax in this thought.  I hope that in the day that Mae struggles with her questions, that she would look to the One that made her and find rest.

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