
15 May, 2013

Dossier Complete!

 So all you other adoptive mommies know the keen ear you get for the FedEx truck (or mail truck) during these final days of paperwork chasing.  Well, it happened for me yesterday afternoon. I was upstairs and I knew I had heard our blessed FedEx delivery come!  These are our papers back from Washington DC with every last signature and seal we need for these bad boys to go to China!!  WOOHOOO!
 So today I drove to our agency... on cloud 9, to deliver our paperwork.  Last time, with Mae's paperwork I felt like it was hard letting go of our pretty papers.  But this time, nope!  I was READY to hand it over.  Not too sentimental about paper once you've been on the other side.  All I want is our babies home.  FAST!
 So here's the staged, but necessary picture of the hand-off of the dossier to Jaime at CCAI.  (: That pretty red folder I'm holding will be in the hands of an official at the CCWAA in China.  Deep breath now... it's out of my hands.

While I was at CCAI today we talked about our papers getting expedited (we have a letter from our cardiologist going with our dossier which explains the urgency for Jovie's immediate surgery) but our agency said it may happen that only our daughter's file be expedited... and not Ian's too. We would do anything we needed to to get our babies home, at any point that we could, but I sure hope it happens in one trip. I can not even imagine what it would be like to fly to China and only get Jovie and come home to open heart surgery and all the same time going back for Ian.  Needless to say, this momma won't be sleeping tonight.   Does anyone else have any experience in this area? Has anyone been successful at getting paper pushed through because of a serious special need? Just wanted to hear from any others that have tried. Friends and family we ask that you join with us and be our prayer warriors... Our prayer is that we can get BOTH of our sweet babies together and that it would happen soon for Jovie Ming.


  1. praise God , from whom all blessings flow

  2. praise God , from whom all blessings flow

  3. Will be praying that you can bring them BOTH home together and SOON!!!
