
09 June, 2013

Our Garage Sale

 We are so fortunate to have had almost everything for our garage sale all donated to us to help us raise money for our adoption.  Our garage was so packed we had to be strategic about packing it so we could even close the door. It was almost overwhelming... and would have been if I hadn't had my mom helping me all last week to get ready.  It took us a few days to sort and price... and we also decided we'd add cupcakes and lemonade too.  We baked 100 cupcakes! On Friday, bright and early my mom was there and so were two amazing women in my life... my Aunt Julie and Mrs. Shirley. They drove from an hour away to get there at the break of dawn to work with me.  If you've done a garage sale you know it is hard work but being together with awesome ladies made it so fun.  We made memories and money!! (:  Friday we had a swarm of people come too...  

On Saturday my mom was there for me again and this time my sister came to help... and my dad too (he watched Mae for me). Oh, I guess it would be good to mention Cody was out of town.  I seriously could not have pulled this off by a long shot without all the help from everyone.  Just look at the lengths my sister went in the picture below.  A neighbor bought a piece of exercise equipment and my amazing sister walked it up the hill 10 house up from ours.  In a dress no less (:


So we did fantastic... we raised a little over $900 in 2 days.  And if we had not made a single penny I still would have done it.  I can not tell you how many incredible people we met... we shared our children's story with many and I was so blessed by the hearts of strangers.  My hope is that we have put a positive image of adoption in someone's mind and possibly planted a seed.  After all, it took a stranger at a store to speak to me. (:


  1. Kristen, SO happy you are $900 closer to your son and daughter! That is AWESOME! Loving following along with you to China! Hope to see you and Mae soon! -Ashley and Junie :)

    1. Thank you Ashley! At the garage sale a woman said she taught a little girl from china and it was Junie!! (:

  2. wow! that was a wonderful sale! everything looked awesome and I'm so excited for your family during this journey - still praying for you and your lil ones in China!

    (love the new blog banner also)

    Many Blessings

    1. Yes it really surprised me too! I didn't think we would do that well! Thank you for saying you like my new banner... I've been feeling like all the pink on here was a bit too girly for Ian (:

  3. Hi!
    I found your blog today and it is veryyyyyy special:-) I like!!! And your little daughter is so cute and you can see she is such a happy little girl! It´s great!
    Regards from
    an:JA! from vienna (austria)
