
10 July, 2013

A Snail's Pace

Today I find myself really struggling. It feels like time is creeping by slower than a snail's pace... and the weight of everything feels so very heavy today.  Can we just get these kids home already? I'm ready to know our children... I'm tired of talking about their special needs because it's all we know about them.  I want to know the sound of Ian's voice and know what makes Jovie laugh.  I want to know everything about these sweet babies God created and my heart is aching!

I feel like I've been somewhat patient this far... Maybe because I've been very busy with mounds of paperwork and fundraising in every area I can think of.  Right now China has our paperwork and we are waiting for their approval. Our agency has told us that China has installed a new system and that it looks like this has slowed things down. They closed their offices for a week before we got our paperwork in, so they could install an all new system.  And since they have updated, our agency hasn't received any LOAs for families ahead of us.

Everything is uncertain, and daily I am having to give this to God.  I can not do anything at this time to get closer to knowing Ian and Jovie.  It feels like I'm stuck and our life cannot move forward without them— and it hurts.

We've been in the adoption process for eight months now. For the last six months we have known of Ian and dreamed of having a son. For the last four months we've held the picture of baby Jovie and prayed for her, and for the last three months Ian and Jovie's highchair has sat at our table.  We are waiting for the day that they are where they belong. 


  1. so sorry, Kristen. The waiting is terrible. I have heard that things have been moving slowly due to the new system. Hopefully, things will start rolling again. You and your precious babies are in my prayers. Soon, they'll know you and the love of their forever and your dreams will come true.

  2. and I meant to add...soon those high chairs will be filled with cherub faces and your kitchen will be loud and messy and fun and oh so wonderful!!

  3. Oh the wait is hard!!! Our LOA/LSC was slowed down considerably due to the new system and closings - it was an emotional roller coaster. I was so eager to be like those families that didn't wait long at all. Now we wait on the consulate to open back up for the next step
    I will be praying for you and those 2 sweet lil ones of yours while you wait
