
19 September, 2013

New Pictures of Ian

I have 2 new pictures of our sweet boy. He is melting me with those cheeks— every time I see his pictures I think how I can not wait to kiss on them!!! I love this little boy so much I could burst! And soon he will know that! 



  1. Oh my goodness! He is too cute!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of you with him!!!!!!!!!! Sigh, that face!

  2. Oh my goodness - he is so cute!!! I can't wait to see pictures of you and him! I am hurting with you lady!!!!

  3. I think he may be the most beautiful little boy that I have ever seen. Those cheeks and lips are too much! Soon, you'll be loving on that!!

  4. Hi Kristen and Cody, I found your blog through CCAI and I just had to comment. We are a fellow CCAI family. We have been home for a little over 3 months with our daughter, Vivian. It took us a quite a while to decide to adopt, and while we (well really, my husband) were thinking about it, I would obsessively watch Gotcha videos on you tube. I remember watching your video and it was one of my favorites (I am finishing up mine now and used some of the song from yours)! I was thrilled to see that you are adopting again and look forward to following your journey. All of your children are adorable. Best of luck to you and hope they are in your arms soon. Maureen

  5. Stinkers ~ I commented before on this and blogger ate it I suppose ;(
    So excited to see these sweet pictures and hope your journey is going well - praying for you all!!!

  6. Ok 3x a charm everytime I've commented on this post it deletes it ;(

    So excited to see these new pics of your lil man and praying for your journey!!!
