
28 February, 2014

Cath results

We got a call from Jovie's doctor and his words were "when I saw the cath report I was jumping up and down". They will be able to restore her heart to A FULLY FUNCTIONING HEART. I can't believe it, that was our prayer... Fully functioning. Our little girl will be able to experience life at 100% . When we met with her doctor after the first ultrasound he wasn't sure if they would be able to rebuild her heart to have four separating chambers. They can!!!

They will be putting in a conduit valve to go in place of her missing pulmonary artery. 

They were afraid that her lungs might be unhealthy because the lack of blood now. They are healthy.

They thought the pressure in her heart would be high making her inoperable right now. It wasn't. 

Her doctor said this is best case scenio. He even recognized that it was a testament to God answering prayer. It makes me so emotional. This precious child has a huge surgery ahead but it's one time and she gets the full reward. 100% - what will that even be like for her? I can't imagine how she feels everyday with only 66% oxygen and struggling to breath. 

Please keep praying for us. Open heart surgery is scary... we are facing our Goliath.  It never leaves my mind... But man is this easier knowing she can come out and be fixed! 


148 Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
    praise him in the heights!
Praise him, all his angels;
    praise him, all his hosts!

Praise him, sun and moon,
    praise him, all you shining stars!
Praise him, you highest heavens,
    and you waters above the heavens!


  1. Praise God and his Angels, such wonderful news for all, especially Jovie, senfing loving prayers and thoughts from Australia.

  2. An answer to your many prayers! SO overjoyed at this wonderful news and so elated for precious Jovie! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. That is the best news ever!!!!!! Hooray! Praise Him indeed!

  4. I am so happy to know the good news!!!!!!!I am joining you, friends and family to thank God and pray for the surgery to be a success.Jovie is so precious-I love the pictures of her. What a blessing that you and Cody were able to get her here so that she can enjoy a normal healthy life...GOD IS GOOD !!!!!!lOVE YOU ALL,AJ

  5. AWESOME!! So happy for her and your family. God is able! He is so faithful!

  6. Yay! That is amazing news! Praise God!

  7. PRAISE THE LORD!!! He is greatly to be praised! SO thankful!!! XOXOXO

  8. Awesome news guys! Soooo happy for you all

  9. Oh! An amazing answer to prayers! What a miracle in the making!!!
    Praying for you all still
    Such great news!!!
