
11 April, 2014


Today Jovie continued to do well but she was awake more and upset. They are slowly wheening her off several things to get her ready to be able to move her out of the ICU and into the step down unit. We are hopeful that could happen tomorrow. 

She was able to finally drink something and was so happy to get something real, but she threw up ): it was pitiful because as you can imagine it hurts. 

She was peaceful for most of the day but she had a few difficult times. She was getting mad tonight because she didn't like lying there with all the wires and things everywhere, and then she'd cry and kick and that would hurt her so she'd cry because it hurt and I was doing my best to comfort her but I can't pick her up, and that's what she wants, so that would make her mad too. Very hard to see her upset and not be able to do anything. I pray she sleeps well through the night tonight. 


  1. Kristen-I am so glad to read this,haven't heard from Jovie today. It is so wonderful that the surgery was a success. I know it is hard to see her hurting and there is nothing you can do.I pray each day she will be better.I am proud of you and Cody in the way you have handled this bad situation..Parents of the year!!YAY....xoxoxAunt Joyce

  2. PRAYING for Jovie, you, and your sweet family tonight! God is completely enough for you. He is able to do "far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us to Him be the glory..." Eph. 3:20
    Greenbrier, TN

  3. Bless you both!!! SO hard for them and TERRIBLE for mom!!! Hoping she is out of ICU ASAP!!! Praying all the time!

  4. At the same time that my heart breaks for her discomfort, how I rejoice that your little fighter continues to improve!! We continue to pray with GREAT HOPE at what God is doing within her body and soul. Love you all.
