A lot of you know through Facebook that we were admitted to the hospital last Friday because Jovie had a fever of around 101 every day for 10 days in a row. We knew that was a long time to fight something but honestly did not think I'd be getting a call from her doctor to pack our bags for the hospital. With Mae we have only even needed an antibiotic for her TWICE. She's got crazy immunities I guess! We learned that with Jovie's heart condition we will always have to treat any illness with a higher concern.
So this weekend we were right back in the hospital — next door to the room we were in just a month ago. This time Jovie was fully aware of everything and knew the drill. Last time she only left her bed a few times and never stood up until the last day... So this time was different. We spent a lot of our time walking this little buggy up and back.
She was always happier when daddy brought Ian and Mae, the three of our children are so sweet together. Hearing their laughter fill the room was the best. Mae was an extra sweet big sister and showered her with a ton of affection.
There is so much to be grateful for. I am astounded at the growth in my spiritual walk in just hanging on as this adventure unfolds. I'm stunned by the way God continually takes care of us and even in the smallest details I have felt loved by my Jesus. Going to the hospital again was just dreaded - I knew it would be harder on Jovie to realize she was back there. And as we got the call to pack, I got the word that my friend's daughter was also admitted to the hospital, same hospital, same time, same floor... And she greeted us as we were brought to our room, just four rooms down. For anyone that's stayed in the hospital you know how lonely it is to sit in your room for days. I had a precious friend their to share in our circumstances. And I was not alone. There are so many times that I feel like Jesus is leaving me love letters on my mirror. Having my friend there was one of those moments I just felt like my Savior was showering us with his love. Showing me his goodness. And on Sunday both of us got to check out and go back home.
And thankfully, every test they ran came back negative and the doctors were left scratching their heads as to what brought on the fevers. Jovie was free to go back home and we very joyfully loaded up are precious family and thanked God. Jovie hasn't had any fevers since, and yesterday we went back for a follow up appointment and she's all good!!!
This little spotted chicken was very happy to be back home. All those little sensors fell right off in the bath and she was even happier to be in her bed that night. We all are back under one roof... As it should be.