30 May, 2013

Baby Dino pattern

If you like the baby dinosaur toy I made for the auction, now you can make your very own for someone you love. Below is the Baby Dino sewing pattern.  Please let me know if you make him! I want to hear how many other baby dinos there are out there in the world (:

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  1. Sooo cute! Found this on pinterest. ..making it right now for my baby. Coincidentally i have the same fabric laying around! :)

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment letting me know! This fabric was one of few out there cute for boys... Hope you have fun with your Dino.

    2. Hi, Kristen,
      this dino is fantastic, thank you for sharing, how large is the dino, I cant seem to find where it can be printed to scale, if there is a place... I could try to free hand draw but I would need to know the measurements.... or a printable page :) Thanks

    3. Doug, take a vegetal paper , like transparently paper, glue in your pc monitor, with a pencil draw the dinosaur . It/s easy , you can draw in the size you prefer . Sorry my English . Bye

    4. Thanks for the tracing idea. It worked great!!! I used plain white paper taped 2 sheets together.. cant wait to make this.

  2. ADORABLE! I saw it on pinterest but it kept going to a weird website. I googled and googled until I found your original post. I have a couple of friends having babies - can't wait to make! :)

  3. What a great little project! I made this today for my almost-2-year-old out of yellow fabric with coordinating yellow, green, light orange, and blue ribbons. Took *maybe* an hour and it turned out so cute that it's definitely going into the baby gift rotation. Thank you!

  4. Katy, Manchester, UK.July 6, 2013 at 10:46 AM

    Awesome...what a sweet idea. Two of my nephews are having a dinosaur birthday party in a few weeks and I was looking for something so their baby siblings can get involved...this is perfect!

  5. dear Kristen! I have my shop on etsy.com . Can I sale sensory toys, made from your pattern in my the etsy shop??

    1. Liana, thank you for asking; that would be just fine by me! I look forward to seeing your baby dinos.

    2. This was my question too! I found this after reading your adoption story (my husband and I are considering a similar path, after 3 pregnancy losses), and have made a couple for my nephews. I'd love to try to sew a few and possibly sell a couple to bring in some much needed $ and use up my stash :) xo

  6. So adorable. I'm going to make one for my little one to be. I'm going to put a jingle bell inside so he rattles.

  7. Eu amei, e compartilhei para as mamães no meu Blog, é lindo... Bjs
    Vivi e isaac

  8. hi there! very sweet!
    i want to make one (or two or three... it's a real baby boom around me this days).
    i have a question- is the fabric a regular cotton or with stretch? (hope i use the terms correct. english is not my mother tongue).

  9. It's so beauty! Hello My name is Virag, and I'm from Hungary. I'm going to make some dino to the kindergarten. I'll send you photos when I'm done. Thanx!!

  10. I found this through "I sew for free" email. Several little boys in the family right now, and I am going to try to make about 10 of these for Christmas gifts, to great nephews and ggreat nephews.

  11. Hi- I saw this cute dino on Pinterest and plan to make it for my baby to be! Thanks for the inspiration and pattern, I will send you a pic once it's made!

  12. Hi- Thanks for the cute pattern (I saw it on pinterest) I will share a picture once I have mine done!

  13. I've made Mr Dino with great success! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Hi! Found this when googling "dinosaur patterns" as I want to make a toy for my 16month old son who, in a house of big sisters, has somehow become dinosaur obsessed! And this pattern is perfect for a novice sewer. If it turns out am planning one for my new nephew and friend's first baby... Thank you!

  15. Hi! I found your cure Baby dino via Pinterest as well, and it is so easy to make :) Here is my first (def not last ;)) version: http://lilyseas.blogspot.nl/2013/10/baby-dino.html. Thanks for the pattern!

  16. Muchas gracias por compartir el tutorial de este precioso juguete en Pinterest
    y ser tan generosos al acompañar a esta hermosa nena

  17. Just made two of these for my girls. I used very large ric-rac along the back for spikes! Then filled with rice to make a bean bag toy. Very fun!! Thanks so much for the pattern, we will use it again for gifts.

  18. Found on pinterest and I LOVE it! making for my baby for Christmas!

  19. Here are the ones I've made! Cute! Thanks for the pattern http://ajsantics.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/blogtoberfest13-28-baby-dino.html

  20. I would like to make this. Can you please just explain how you did the ribbon part? Thank so much. Super cute. Perfect for my little nephews!

  21. Hello! I love this pattern and would like to make it. Can you please just explain how you did the ribbon part? Thank so much. I'll post pics when I'm done. :)

  22. Love this little Dino. Making it for my baby who will be exactly 11 months old on Christmas. Perfect Stocking Stuffer :)

  23. I'm going to make this for my 6 month old for Christmas. He will love the tags! I featured this tutorial on my blog=). Feel free to check it out: http://theprettypickle.com/blog/handmade-for-the-holidays

  24. Love this pattern and will be making it for 6 infants (for their xmas gifts) that I care for on a daily basis at the childcare center I work at!!

  25. A little dinosaur was born in Sydney Australia today :)

  26. A little baby dino was born in Sydney Australia today :p

  27. So excited to get this! I'm going to make one for my brothers new baby!!! :)

  28. Thanks for the pattern. I have just made one for my 7-month old boy!! This is so easy and fun to make!!

  29. Saw this on Pinterest. Just ordered a new sewing machine and I cannot wait to make a few of these! Thank you for sharing your pattern.

  30. Saw this on Pinterest. Just ordered a new sewing machine and I cannot wait to make a few of these! Thank you for sharing your pattern.

  31. I found your post via Pinterest--thanks so much for posting this! I made a pair of these little guys for my kids this week (you can see them here).

    I am starting a shop on Etsy, and I was wondering if I might get your permission to use your pattern to make some of these to sell. Would that be all right?

  32. Saw this adorable little guy on Pinterest and I made it for my soon to be nephew. It is adorable. Thanks for sharing the pattern I love it!

  33. Hi Kristen! Thanks for the pattern, I saw it on Pinterest! Farei este lindo dinossauro para meu sobrinho!! Obrigada! FernandaMCM

  34. This is sooo adorable, if love to make it but my sister in law is having a girl. Any suggestions for a similar item for a girl?

    1. Make it in pink. Girls like dinosaurs too.

  35. Hi,

    I have made these, one for my son and one for my daughter.

    I have a shop, which sells handmade baby items and I was wondering if I could have your permission to make these to sell?

  36. Hello Kristen, thank you very much for that cute free pattern. There was an new Baby Dino "born" in Germany.

    Kindest regards
    Sandra :-)

  37. Thanks for your pattern and instructions! Going to make one for a friends baby boy due soon and maybe even one for his 2 year old brother, I'm sure he'd enjoy snuggling it too!

  38. Hello :) I'm printing the pattern, but I dont know when will I make it :). I like it very much, it's very funny.
    I'm from Portugal, Lisbon :)
    Thank you for sharing :)

  39. About to attempt this! It looks so easy!

  40. Thank you for this wonderful pattern...and thank you for sharing so generously!

  41. Such a cute Dino. Will be making several. Thanks for sharing!!

  42. I can't wait to make some. I saw it on Pinterest.

  43. I just made one - took less than an hour. Would post a picture if I knew how! Thanks for sharing.

  44. Hi! I found your cute baby dino via Pinterest. I made one for my nice and she loves it! Here is my version: http://grannyshydrangeas.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/dinosaurio-con-cintas-para-bebe.html
    Thanks for the pattern and sharing!

  45. What fabric have you all used? I was thinking flannel, minky, terry cloth, etc. Want something soft for any age.

  46. Perfect pattern for the little people being born this year, as well as the babies that are here already. Can't wait to make these cute Dinos!

  47. Hello! I make a baby Dino for my niece in France. I retake the tutorial in French for French seamstresses.
    With a link on your blog and the pattern.

  48. This is precious and will be perfect for the current charity project we are working on at Hopeful Threads! Thank you for sharing! Just printed and shared! :)

  49. Thank you very much.
    I saw in your baby dino to pinterest.
    I'm looking at your dinosaur dinosaurs made ​​it for my son.

  50. Thanks for the tutorial. I made one for my godson, he just loves it. Look at it here, I link my post back to you:http://www.rebekkascraftroom.blogspot.ch/2014/05/un-bebe-dinosaure-en-tissu.html

  51. Hello, I came from France with a link found on a blog I read. I'll try to sew a little dinosaur for a baby who will arrive in August 2014. If I do it, I'll come back to say you when you can see it on my blog....

  52. Isabrode (isabrode@orange.fr)June 6, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    From France :) found on Pinterest !
    I'm gonna make lots of dino's for birth's gift !
    Thank you for sharing
    Hope I've not made too much mistakes in English.... I has been so much time I've not pratice :)

    1. Isabrode, you must be a lovely person; your comment was filled w joy and happiness; and Excitement. Know your Dino's will make spectacular birth gifts for all. ;-)

    2. Isabrode, you must be a lovely person; your comment was filled w joy and happiness; and Excitement. Know your Dino's will make spectacular birth gifts for all. ;-)

  53. Made a bunch for Hopeful Threads FLUFF Drive and they will be donated to children in foster care. Thanks for sharing! You can see them here, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=727168024013104&set=a.160591617337417.41653.160585690671343&type=1&theater

  54. Just found this today and think I'm going to give it a go tomorrow! I don't have any ribbon though so wondering what to do instead...

  55. Please sew the tags shut before you insert them! Little fingers can get into the loops & twist tightly enough to cut off circulation. Better yet, use rickrack.

  56. Instead of ribbon, you can fold fabric strips so there are no raw edges & topstitch them flat. Those are also safe around fingers.

  57. I just made one for my son that's due in 8 week. I added some small tail spikes to mine to. It came out supper cute. Thanks for the pattern.

  58. I made two so far and plan on many more!

  59. I love these and have made lots for my friends babies. They are much admired and I've been thinking of selling them. Would it be possible to use your design or is there a licence cost? Thank you in advance xx

  60. I love these and have made lots for my friends babies. They are much admired and I've been thinking of selling them. Would it be possible to use your design or is there a licence cost? Thank you in advance xx

  61. Hi from Germany! Will make this cute little thing this weekend for the son of my boyfriends cousin. Found it on Pinterest – Thank you!

  62. Hi, absolutely adorable! We have also adopted.
    She's all grown up now. We love her so much!

  63. Hi! I made a baby dino! I put little jingle bells in mine because my little boy likes to shake everything. I then took it a step further and used your stencil to create a t-rex shape and a long neck shape. I added crinkle paper to the t-rex and a magnet to the long neck. I then made a leaf shape with another magnet so it kind of looks like the long neck eats the leaf lol. Thank you so much for the pattern!

  64. ADORABLE and easy peasy! I have to hem some pants for my husband today, I'm going to sew one of these while I'm at it!!

  65. Luvly idea really easy to do took me around 40 mins!! Looking for a girl's version now lol

  66. So cute! I have a few new little ones to meet this month so these will be gifts for them! Thanks for sharing :)

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  68. Very nice little dino. Thanks for the fantastic idea.
    Best Regards Kristin

  69. Thanks a lot for sharing this nice pattern.
    I am going trying to make...
    I will show you soon.
    A very big hug

  70. Not sure if there's a way to post a pic but I just made two of these cuties for a friend's lovely three year old daughter and a new baby daughter on the way - grey chevron with a variety of yellow ribbons. SUPER cute!! Thanks so much for the pattern!

  71. I have just made a dinosaur cot quilt and will use the leftover backing fabric to make one of these delightful baby dinosaurs. Thank you for the pattern.

  72. Making one of these for baby son for Christmas! So cute :)

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. My 3-year-old daughter helped me make one of these for her baby brother. We put a jingle bell inside for a little rattle. She was so delighted with it she asked if we could make another for her! :)

  75. I made one this summer http://inspinration.blogspot.nl/2014/12/hand-made-gifts.html Thank you for the nice pattern

  76. And one more baby dino here! For my nephew's Christmas gift! Thx for the pattern, it's really cute :)
    P.S: from France

  77. I'll be making this using my son's hospital blanket and the beanie he came home in :)

  78. I made 2 for my newborn nephews for christmas!! so simple and easy! loved doing this quick project so they can have something handmade from their aunt katie! Thank you for posting!

  79. making one for my son and my nephew who will be 9 months apart... once i have mine in May! (2015)

  80. The ribbon that you used? is that just regular ribbon you folded over and sewing in?

  81. Thanks for sharing your pattern. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  82. So.... There are only 2 feet? Not 4?

  83. Awesome pattern! I made a dinosaur, and it turned out so cute! Thanks!

  84. Thank you sooo much for sharing your very cute pattern!
    This is mine cocoonetkaktus.blogspot.ro/2015/01/les-dinosaures-ne-sont-pas-que-pour-les.html

  85. Hi! My name is Kelly and I blog at Just Another Project (www.kellyjdesigns.com). I am working on a round up post of sewing projects for baby that use up leftover scraps of fabric. I would love to include a link to your Baby Dino Pattern . Would it be all right with you if I included your link in my round up, along with a photo from your tutorial?

  86. Thanks for this adorable pattern! Here's my version:

  87. After having this pinned for months, I finally made it! It turned out so cute. One of these days I'll get around to blogging about it and will be sure to link back to you.

  88. Hopping over from your feature at Sew Pretty Sew Free. What an adorable pattern! Thank you! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  89. I made your dino too. You can find it on my blog: http://kolemakolem.blogspot.cz/2015/03/dinosaur.html

  90. The pattern isn't working for me...is there something wrong with it?

  91. id love to make your dino, but cant see the pattern.

  92. Can't find the pattern through the link you provided. Can you upload a new one?

  93. i am so sorry . but i cant find the pattern through the link you provided. please helppppp!!!!!!!



  95. I can't see the pattern either :(

  96. Ah, if I Google "baby dino pdf" it is the top result! Very happy x

    1. That worked for me too! Thanks for the tip!

    2. Yes, thank you! The link is broken but this helped!

    3. yes, googled 'baby dino pdf' and there it was- THANKS

  97. Hi! your blog is great full and image is nice use,you use a different type content thanks for sharing this post.

  98. I second (fourth or fifth?) the broken link. Is there another way to get to the pattern?

  99. LOVE this dino! Here's the one I just made for my cousin's baby shower, using bright scraps of ribbon & fabric I had around from redecorating my living room :) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/290271138460155420/

  100. Here is the Dino my friend made for me!
    Thanks for the pattern!

  101. Thank you for the tutorial! I've linked you on my blog :)

  102. thanks for sharing. Love this soft toy and your story of the three children you adopted. they are beautiful gifts from above.

  103. hi there - i'm desperate to make this but i can't open the pattern - it takes me to some weird site. can you maybe email it to me? hayleyfreshman@yahoo.com.au
    thanks so much

  104. Hi
    I would love to be able to make this beautiful toy. It looks like a perfect pattern, however the link does not seem to be working any more. Would you please be able to send me the pattern?
    My email is l_berendsen@hotmail.com
    I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!!

    1. Search for baby dinosaur pattern as the other comments say and the link will come up

  105. I would love to make this Dino... but the link to the tutorial doesn't work. Can you fix it? thanks!!

  106. Thanks for cute pattern. I made baby dino for my little son Phillip. Now dino lives in Poland :) Greetings!

  107. This looks great! I'm going to try to make one for my son for Christmas. For everyone who is looking, here is a working link to the pattern: file:///C:/Users/asd/Downloads/baby-dino-pattern.pdf

  108. I finally found the pattern!


  109. None of the above links worked for me, but I found a youtube tutorial that uses this pattern (from this website). I ended up just drawing my own pattern though, as I wanted mine a bit bigger. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebWX251p6so

  110. Thanks for this!! I made these for my nieces and nephews for christmas, they were so much fun! You can see how I made them on my blog, http://www.thesoundofrockyhorror.com/

  111. The link for the dino sewing pattern no longer works. Please help I want to make this for my little one.

  112. I downloaded today, going to make one for me, I am a fan of dinosaurs.....adults can have an inner child ! Lol

  113. http://firstdayofmae.blogspot.com/2013/05/baby-dino-pattern.html

  114. http://firstdayofmae.blogspot.com/2013/05/baby-dino-pattern.html

  115. This is my first time visiting your site. I saw the baby dino on Pinterest bc my sister is 8 months pregnant and her shower is this coming weekend. I am hugw into crafts and even though I got a million gifts, including a personalized onesie, I wanted to see if I could get some more ideas on something personal I can make. My boyfriend is obsessed with dinosaurs,and so this immediately caught my eye. The baby dino is so darn cute and I can't wait to make it! When I do, 1 will certainly share a pic.
    Thanks so much!


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  117. Made a little Dino tonight! It's only supposed to have 2 feet right haha my baby is already loving it!!

  118. Made a little Dino tonight! It's only supposed to have 2 feet right haha my baby is already loving it!!

  119. Thank you for making this pattern available! Can't wait to make this.

  120. Just finished one of these little dinosaurs here in Texas, thanks for the pattern and idea. SUCH a cute, fun and easy project for baby!

  121. I just made two baby dinosaurs this weekend, one blue and one green, as Christmas gifts for the two new babies in our family. They turned out cute! Thank you for the idea and tutorial!

  122. Спасибо за отличную идею и за шаблон выкройки.

  123. Found this!! Cant wait to make it!!! Im just waiting on stuffing / ribbon

  124. My little children also love dinosaurs and other animals from wood, many of them were bought at https://woodencaterpillar.com/

  125. I've just made 3 of these today and now have 3 very happy little boys. Thank you so much for this

  126. I've just made 3 of these today and now have 3 very happy little boys. Thank you so much for this

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  130. I'm going to make these for my friend's twin boys due in April. Am I able to use your pattern to create my own to sell?

  131. Hi! I found your site through Googling "sew baby gifts". I plan to make a dino for my 13th grandson born in March 2018 and for a baby shower for my good friend's first baby coming in May! Ty for the trace idea. I couldn't find a pattern to print and was just wondering if tracing would work! Thanks again for the pattern.

  132. Thank you so much for the pattern. My lil one loved it totally. He is 6 months now and this one is a very good sensory toy .

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